Frequently Asked Questions


  • What type of services do you provide?

    We provide strategic consulting and digital marketing services.

    - Copywriting

    - Graphic Design

    - Web Development and SEO

    - Email & Marketing Automation

    - Social Media Management

    - Pay-Per-Click Advertising

    - Sales Enablement

  • Do you work remotely or onsite at my office?

    We work with most clients on a remote basis—by phone, email, Slack, Zoom, Google Meet, shared docs, GoToMeeting, Join.Me, Skype, and other tools, etc.. We do some on-site work as a part of large consulting projects, which will be a mix of remote and on-site. There’s value to us visiting your office and speaking with your team in-person, but you’ll need to weigh whether the travel costs are worth it. We're glad to share an estimate on both approaches.

  • Do you guarantee the results I’ll get?

    Yes, we came up with this.. Our "3 to 30 Guarantee". This means that you’ll see a minimum of 3 – 30% increase or decrease in one specific, agreed upon goal. Our approach focuses on sharing the advice we would give ourselves if we were in your situation, with your goals, your values, and your preferences.

  • Can you provide testimonials or examples of work from previous or current clients?

    Yes — there are case studies from previous projects we can share with you.

  • Do you offer any free audits or consultations?

    We offer a free consultation, which will give you a chance to re-evaluate your current marketing efforts. If we see that you would benefit from a free audit, we will also provide this to you for consideration.

  • Do you prepare online marketing plans?

    That depends on your definition of the term “marketing plan”. We don’t prepare formal documents that end up sitting on your bookshelf collecting dust. We work with you to formulate a specific online marketing strategy and plan aligned with your goals and put it into action immediately.

  • What’s your philosophy when it comes to online marketing?

    Online marketing is about generating strong lead and sales generation results while building your brand and offering more a satisfying user experiences. We won’t waste your budget on marketing initiatives that get no results. Everything we do is designed to generate the maximum return in the minimum possible time.

  • Is all of your work in English?

    Yes. We've worked with clients who are native English speakers as well as people for whom English is their second or third language.

  • Would our partnership be exclusive? What happens if competitors want to work with you?

    We have non-exclusive partnerships. If a competitor wants to work with you, just mention this in advance to avoid surprising and uncomfortable scenarios. It's common for someone to approach several agencies or consultants during the research phase.

  • Will campaigns be managed by tools or real people?

    Some aspects of your strategy can be automated successfully, but ultimately, a dedicated Account Manager will be assigned to you which is reachable and accountable for your experience.

  • How long do things take?

    We work quickly and our clients like that. Advertising projects are typically 6 months long, smaller projects could be 1-3 months, and larger projects can take a year or more. The key driver is how much you’d like to cover, but we always focus on your top-priorities first.

  • How much of your work is outsourced and how do you maintain its quality?

    Many agencies offer a multitude of services, but not all of them will be produced in-house. We outsource web development and keep everything else in North America. This allows us to be more attentive and relative, as well as proactive. There is less miscommunication and projects are delivered much faster this way.

  • How soon can we start?

    Immediately: If you need quick answers ASAP, request a call. We confirm most eMacity requests within a few hours, and can often do calls within 24 hours. Let us know if things are especially urgent.

    If you’d like to take advantage of our consulting services, we can usually schedule the first session to happen within a week after we receive your first payment. This allows time for you to complete the assessment and intake questionnaire, and for us to create your custom blueprint.

    Other projects: Typically schedule kickoff  within a week of receiving your deposit payment. To reduce scoping turnaround, we do on-demand (Agile) instead of traditional milestones—this lets us start faster.

  • Do I have to pay you upfront fees?

    For new clients, payment is due prior to receiving services (e.g., pre-paying for the first month of PPC, or paying the deposit for Social Media campaigns).

    For returning clients doing on-demand (Agile) work, We’ll share estimates beforehand and then email you an invoice. Invoices are due Net 30.

  • Can we pay you online?

    Yes, you will be sent an invoice email from PayPal and you can click use their platform to securely pay online via credit card or ACH bank debit.

    You can also pay by check if you prefer, there are a variety of ways to pay for our services.

    If you’re outside Canada, we’ll send an invoice via PayPal, to pay in CDN dollars. PayPal will automatically handle the currency conversion for you.

  • What forms of payment do you take?

    Visa, Mastercard, Amex, PayPal, TransferWise, ACH Bank Debit and Cheque.

  • Can you recommend other agencies?

    Yes, we're glad to recommend other agencies and consultants. If you reach out and someone else would be a better fit for you, We're glad to recommend them. It’s a small industry—We want you to find the right match, so we can focus on helping clients who are the right fit for us.

  • Can you provide me with me examples of clients who you delivered mediocre results for but are loyal to you?

    Every company goes through rough patches, so we have had a couple clients where we delivered mediocre results. The experience was useful for both parties, if this were to happen we do a deep dive into what had worked and what did not. This is to reflect and re-evaluate, often leading to loyalty and the opportunity for a second attempt.

  • Can you provide me examples of clients you delivered amazing results for but who quit? Why did they leave?

    When it comes to your campaigns, great results are obviously crucial. However, other unforeseen factors can influence the agency/ company partnership, so we encourage you to let us know if there may be any competing priorities. If we’re aware of your focus being elsewhere or not committing to meeting your goals we would want to know about these red flags in advance so we can ensure that the needle will move in the right direction.

  • Do we work directly with you?

    Yes, you work directly with us. This ensures you get great advice while also getting attentive client service. We work with strategic partners to help with marketing and admin, to give us more time to focus on taking care of you.

  • Who would be my point of contact and how will we communicate?

    We will ask you what your preferred method of communication is (e.g. email, phone call, text, weekly or monthly calls, etc) in order to maximize the effectiveness of your campaigns and client-agency partnership. A dedicated account manager is also assigned to you so that you have a go to person who understands your needs.

  • What KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) do you track and how do you measure them?

    It’s important to be on the same page about the performance of your campaigns and to align your needs and goals. Without alignment, both parties will try to steer in different directions. We only use the most up to date tools for tracking KPIs like: Return on Investment, Website Conversion Rate, Cost per Click, Click through Rate, Cost per Acquisition, Cost per Lead Source, Revenue per Lead Source, % of Sales from Digital, Number of Unique site visitors, and Time spent on Website.

  • Will your marketing methods interfere with what I’m currently doing?

    Our methods will only complement or improve on what you’re already doing. If something is working well for you, we’ll look to optimize it even further, not interfere. If your online lead generation efforts are marginal or even costing you money we can help turn the situation around.

  • Which tools does your agency use and why?

    While you don’t need to be an expert on the tools your agency works with, it’s a good idea to understand that all campaigns are custom and tailored to your needs, so it could be a variety of tools and programs used. During the consultation we don’t mind explaining in more depth how we go about generating the results exactly. We find that having a basic familiarity with the specific tools help you to better understand how your campaigns actually operates.

  • Your solution costs $X. I know someone who can do it for half $X.

    Digital marketing and consulting is a highly diverse industry with varying levels of service and price. The solutions we provide are highly sophisticated and highly customized. Most online sales processes are severely sub-optimal. We work hard to ensure that yours isn’t one of them. If you are a fit for our services, you’ll find us extremely cost-effective and we have the results to prove it. If you can find a more effective solution at a better price, we encourage you to try it.

  • Who owns all of the marketing assets you will be generating?

    There’s a difference between Earned, Owned and Paid marketing assets. By default we will own the content produced so be sure to ask this question before signing the agreement.

  • What are the options for you to help me?

    The right option depends on your desired scope and your budget.​

    1) Want quick advice? We offer consulting services. You still have to implement the advice, but it’s often what you need to move forward to do it yourself (DIY). Clients typically see a few thousand dollars in benefits.​

    2) Want a mix of “DIY” plus ongoing structure? Do a custom program. This includes weekly or monthly check-in calls to keep you on track, plus unlimited support via email between the calls. We're there to provide support to help you stay on track for your short- and long-term goals. Benefits vary—anywhere from finding an extra 100-500 hours a year to finding $10K+ in opportunities. We recommend to plan for on 2-5 meetings to start.​

    3) Want a comprehensive, strategic plan to help you propel your company forward? You should do one of our plans. We dive in to analyze your data and make results-oriented recommendations. Optionally, we can provide implementation support. The comprehensive approach means we tend to uncover $50K to $300K in benefits, and sometimes more. Glad to do a free call to recommend the right match for you - or recommend a competitor if they’re a better fit. Contact us to set up that free, confidential call.

  • What do you do?

    We help companies grow in size and profitably, without the usual growing pains. We do this by providing sales and marketing automation services, business consulting and custom projects. Our work tends to involve agency operations, strategy, and leadership. This includes advice about strategy and also fulfillment, client service, project management, time management, team management, marketing, and sales/bizdev. We work with English-speaking clients anywhere in the world—20 countries so far, on six continents.

  • Why do you do this?

    We're constantly inspired & fascinated by the ever-changing world of digital marketing. Leveraging Digital technologies, architecting positive user experiences & engineering SITE, SEARCH, SOCIAL & MOBILE strategies makes us feel that we're making a difference.

    Digital marketing is changing at a rapid pace & with so much dynamic fluctuation, it’s important to filter the core trends from the noise to understand the forces that will shape the DM landscape in the future which makes peering into the future a kind of mission-critical activity.

    We love making life easier for company owners, and making agencies a more-stable place to work for their employees! We really like our clients - company owners tend to be fun, thoughtful, interesting, self-aware people. When it’s your own business, you should really like your clients and if you don’t, let’s fix that.

  • How do you maintain confidentiality?

    We're glad to sign your NDA—or use ours—but our approach to confidentiality goes beyond any paperwork. How so? We’re in a small industry—We'd go out of business if we developed a reputation as a company who shared confidential information with other people.

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